I asked my Twitter friends whether I should upgrade my iPhone to the new version with video or buy a Flip camera. Here are the responses. (I used http://twickie.pirillo.com/ to compile the responses and it didn’t seem to grab all of them. It seems to fetch replies to a specific post, so maybe the people it didn’t catch didn’t reply to my original question. I’m not sure, but I didn’t intentionally exclude anyone.)
The responses seem mixed. Since the iPhone isn’t available yet, people are mostly speculating about it. Most people seem to love their Flip cameras, but one person warned me that I may not be happy with the audio, which is a big concern for me.

switterbeet: I had to buy the Flip for school and ended up really liking it. It very user friendly. I assume its a lot cheaper too 🙂
about 11 hours ago

duckducrot: Love my iPhone. but I don't have video.
about 11 hours ago

Curt_Sobolewski: I have a flip camera and it is great. Much smaller than previous one's and can fit perfectly anywhere with much ease.
about 14 hours ago

rmondello: Wait until real reviews of the 3G S comes out.
about 15 hours ago

gavinovz: Remember. The flip doesn't come with a monthly bill. The iPhone does.
about 15 hours ago

ywilken: – r u a mac person? I found that flips didn't play well with macs so I returned mine.
about 15 hours ago
ansgar_r: (new) iPhone: Great concept with decent video camera. (Some) other products: great video camera with decent overall concept.
about 15 hours ago

Masque: “Do I want to carry two devices, or one?” …really? 🙂
about 15 hours ago

DharmaNurse: : the new iPhone looks pretty yummy to me, tough comparison.
about 15 hours ago
carolinegodin: I have same dilemma re: iPhone and Flip … if any interesting insights, please post.
about 16 hours ago

gbastian: iPhone. Seemless transfer, and a number of other nice enhanced features you don't get on any camera.
about 16 hours ago

EllenDom: Part B: To paraphrase Alton Brown: Always go for the multi-tasker.
about 16 hours ago

EllenDom: Part A: Answering your question with a question: how many devices do you want to carry around?
about 16 hours ago

ihemmans: Video specs — iPhone: http://www.apple.com/iphone/specs.html | flip: http://bit.ly/XhzHJ
about 16 hours ago

cswanger: Go for the Flip video! I love it. So much easier to haul around. Keep your current iphone a while, you won't be missing much!
about 16 hours ago

DavidKirlew: after using the Flip Camera I would wait to for iPhone 3G S and see the quality of their camera as the Flip is alright
about 16 hours ago

FunWithHeadline: Since the 3GS camera will do video well enough to do the job (how you would describe the Flip videos), why not just carry one?
about 16 hours ago

ihemmans: It looks like the iPhone will be on par with the Flip Mino specs. Flip HD will outperform the iPhone in terms of resolution.
about 16 hours ago

lisathib: The flip camera is fantastic. My sister just got back from Europe and the video was amazing.
about 16 hours ago

ktvn: I think you’d want an instant web connection – video or not – so get the iPhone. Plus, it probably has tons of travel apps!
about 16 hours ago
porturtle: I really enjoy my iPhone and have used Flip cameras before and liked them. iPhone seems to have a higher MP camera than Flip.
about 16 hours ago

mrjerz: the best camera is the one you have with you. Are you ever without your phone?
about 16 hours ago

garrick_s: If you already have an AT&T contract, tread carefully. You don't qualify for the phone prices listed on Apple's site!
about 16 hours ago

ladystrathconn: I like my Flip video. Although it means carrying 2 things.
about 16 hours ago

MarkRosch: I think the integration of youtube upload and one less gadget to carry point to iPhone as the choice.
about 16 hours ago

SonoranDragon: Well, I'll give you three guesses which has the better video quality and the first two don't count. 🙂
about 16 hours ago

draketex: Notice in the disclaimer that the cheaper prices aren't for upgrades from 3G? $699 for the 32GB. http://tinyurl.com/lnogbt
about 16 hours ago

pixie1212: Flip HD- probably better pic quality, and no way the new iPhone batt can compensate enough to make separate device obsolete…
about 16 hours ago

gracebrooke: I have been VERY happy with the Flip camera. Easy to use, stores in your pocket, and great quality!
about 16 hours ago
secondself3: Friends with both iPhone and Flip camera prefer to have both. Flip takes better video.
about 16 hours ago
2Serenity: get a Cannon Powershot camera – video/images and the quality is fantastic. : D
about 16 hours ago

MommyBrain: wait till the new release and then upgrade to the iPhone! It takes VIDEO!
about 16 hours ago

niltiac: I'm very much enjoying my Flip – picture and sound quality is really quite good, and you can save for email/uploading easily.
about 16 hours ago

GrammarGirl: Trying to decide whether to upgrade to the iPhone with video or buy a Flip camera. Recommendations?
about 16 hours ago
I believe the iPhone 3GS camera will have VGA resolution. A Flip Mino HD would give you much better resolution. I own an older Flip that does VGA. I also own a Flip Mino HD. The difference in video quality is pretty dramatic – the HD wins by a long shot. The only down side of HD is the file sizes are quite large.
Hi Mignon,
I’ve got the first version of the iPhone, so have been carrying around many different video cameras to shoot video.
Did you see the video I shot where I review 10 cameras in 4 minutes?
In the end, when I talk to people about this it’s a personal choice.
If you are choosing between the Flip mino HD and upgrading your iPhone to shoot VGA video, that depends on which iPhone you have.
I’m upgrading my iPhone to 3GS because I also want the 3G features. So that upgrade is an easy choice for me. The ability to have a device with you all the time that’s ready to shoot video is very exciting. Without it, you’ll have lost oportunities.
With the iPhone 3GS, I’ll always have a video camera on me.
If I want to shoot something especially for a ‘show’ or report, I’ll want to take an HD camera with me. If I don’t want to be weighed down by anything heavy, I’ll take the mino HD. If I want to have wide angle, I’ll take the Panasonic Lumix FX 37. You might want to consider a camera like that if you are going to go with the iPhone 3GS.
Wide angle is brilliant.
Hope this helps,
Cheers for using the time and energy to publish some thing that is invoking